Is Cholesterol Dangerous?
The Truth Is Not What You’ve Been Told
Day after day, patients turn up in my office with their latest bloodwork report in their hand, telling me their cholesterol is too high and their medical doctor wants them to take a pharmaceutical to lower it. They literally have the fear of death put into them- they are told if they don’t take the drug, they are at high risk for a heart attack or stroke.
But how dangerous is high cholesterol, really?
It turns out that cholesterol is NOT the actual culprit causing heart attacks and strokes. In fact, cholesterol is an essential nutrient that is critically important for:
- The production of hormones like testosterone and estrogen
- The formation of Vitamin D
- Brain function and memory. 60% of the cholesterol in your body is in your brain!
Low cholesterol increases your risk of dementia (but try finding actual journal articles on this- they are far and few between), increases your risk of hormonal dysfunction (which can lead to a wide variety of health issues) and cause reduced Vitamin D levels (which compromises your immune function, among other problems)
The truth that needs to be understood is that it’s the QUALITY of your cholesterol that matters, not the QUANTITY. If your cholesterol is fluffy, it’s good. If it’s dense and sticky, it’s not.
Additionally, if the lining of your arteries are damaged, sticky cholesterol moves in to make repairs, much like pouring blacktop on a pothole in the road. But if this happens repeatedly, you can end up with plaque in your arteries which impedes blood flow. And THAT is what can cause a heart attack or stroke.
So question #1- what causes cholesterol to be dense and sticky instead of fluffy? And the simple answer is BAD FOOD. Foods high in sugar, chemicals and commercial seed oils.
Question #2- what causes damage to the lining of the arteries? See the answer to question #1. BAD FOOD!
Sugar, chemicals and commercial seed oils cause inflammation and subsequent damage. It’s not cholesterol’s fault! It’s the food industry and the people that eat it and make themselves a victim of it.
Cholesterol lowering drugs generate a HUGE profit for Big Pharma and they don’t want you to know the truth.
Do not be a victim of the bad food/ dangerous drug cycle! Everything you need to know about healthy eating is available on my health channel here: