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Allergy Eye Drops stop allergy symptoms such as itching, burning, watering, edema and general ocular sensitivity. The drops are a sterile, non-preserved, pH balanced, isotonic solution containing four homeopathic active ingredients. Note: For non-allergic watering (tearing) secondary to dry eye, dispense our Tear Stimulation Dry Eye Drops.



Allergy is a chronic condition expressed as the body’s over-activity in triggering and carrying out the inflammation cascade, leading to the symptoms of itching, burning, watering and redness. Note that suppressing symptoms with steroids, mast cell stabilizers and antihistamines hinders the same processes that the body uses to fight bacteria and viruses. They also have the risk of adverse reactions/drug interactions, and should be utilized after desensitization drops have been tried. Our drops contain microdilutions of ingredients that are known to cause allergy if ingested in large (toxic) doses. The body reacts by desensitization—itching, burning, watering and redness are quickly alleviated.



Simply stated – the drops work very similarly to the allergy desensitization treatments that allergy doctors use. The difference being that the homeopathic drops work very quickly and feel wonderful to use.


Use every 3 – 4 hours for the first 2 days (front loading)  •  Then back off to comfort level. •  Increase frequency as needed. •  With extreme allergy symptoms use hourly if needed. •  Reapply at the first sign of returning symptoms.


None known.


None known.


None known.


10 ML



Allium cepa HPUS 6x: Indicated to relieve extreme symptoms of itching, burning, and watering.
Apis HPUS 6x: Indicated to relieve inflammation with burning and stinging. Conjunctiva is often bright red, and accompanied with photophobia. The edema often extends to puffy swelling under the eyes.
Sabadilla HPUS 6x: Indicated to relieve hay fever symptoms in the mucous membranes of the nose and lachrymal glands.
Euphrasia (Eyebright) HPUS 4x: Indicated for conjunctival and corneal edema. Symptoms include photo-phobia, redness, dryness, lachrymation and burning of the lid margin. Euphrasia also helps treat the irritability associated with eye problems. Often referred to as a “tonic for the eyes.”

*Source: Materia Medica.



Total Ocular Function Oral Absorption Spray: The vitamins and minerals act as a catalyst to help the homeopathics work better. This treatment contains the most important and highest-quality ingredients to: protect against UV oxidation damage, increase oxygen and nutrient conversion to the aqueous, improve blood flow and provide important ingredients for lens clarity.

Important: For patients with digestive problems or deficiencies such as reduced beneficial bacteria from antibiotics or those having difficulty swallowing pills.

Directions: Administer three sprays to the back and roof of the mouth three times per day; swish with tongue as long as possible and swallow.

Allergy Desensitization Eye Drops

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